Hamburg Jewish Emigrants from Porozow

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Approximately 5 million passengers departed the Port of Hamburg, Germany between 1850 and 1934, and during the period from 1880-1914, nearly two thirds of them were from Eastern Europe. The Hamburg passenger lists include about 750,000 Jewish emigrants from Russia, the lion’s share of whom were bound for the United States. A few dozen were identified as having originated in Porozow, although the usual caveats about variations in spelling, errors on manifests, mistakes in transcription and lack of precision in identifying Jewish passengers apply. The Porozow departures from Hamburg began only in 1890.

During this period, separate lists were maintained for “direct” and “indirect” passengers. The former were those who arrived at their final destination aboard the same ship that departed Hamburg; they may have stopped at other ports on the way, but they remained on the same ship until reaching their destination. The latter were those who transferred to other ships before reaching their final destination, usually at other European ports. Passage for indirect passengers was cheaper than that for direct passengers. Beginning in 1911 the two lists were merged.

The table below lists the name, departure date, gender, estimated year of birth (calculated from the age appearing on the manifest), port of arrival and name of the ship. Clicking on the name will open a scan of the original, handwritten manifest in a new browser window.


Passenger Name

Departure Date Gender Approximate Year of Birth Arrival Port Ship Name

Bartnowski, Aron

4 Jul 1904 Male ca. 1882 Grimsby City of Bradford

Besdien, Chaie

3 Jun 1905 Female ca. 1867 New York Patricia

Besdien, Leiser

3 Jun 1905 Male ca. 1896 New York Patricia

Besdien, Peisach

3 Jun 1905 Male ca. 1894 New York Patricia

Besdien, Perl

3 Jun 1905 Female ca. 1898 New York Patricia

Bobanski, Abram

20 Jun 1900 Male ca. 1873 Grimsby Northenden

Chwalowsky, Abram

27 Jun 1906 Male ca. 1905 New York Barcelona

Chwalowsky, Pesche

27 Jun 1906 Female ca. 1877 New York Barcelona

Chwojnik, Dwoire

3 Jun 1905 Female ca. 1887 New York Patricia

Drogiczanki, Jakob

30 Jun 1900 Male ca. 1867 London Ophelia

Eichenbrenner, Wolf

1 Sep 1906 Male ca. 1886 New York Graf Waldersee

Friedmann, Elke

6 Feb 1907 Female ca. 1892 New York Prinz Sigismund

Gaczal, Josef

27 Feb 1906 Male ca. 1871 New York Pallanza

Galinski, Leiser

1 May 1900 Male ca. 1869 London Ophelia

Godlewski, Jan

28 Oct 1911 Male ca. 1881 New York President Grant

Jedlin, Alter

8 Sep 1898 Male ca. 1868 New York Fürst Bismarck

Jedlin, Breine

8 Sep 1898 Female ca. 1880 New York Fürst Bismarck

Jedlin, Sore

8 Sep 1898 Female ca. 1838 New York Fürst Bismarck

Kagan, Meier

24 Nov 1903 Male ca. 1882 New York Moltke

Kessler, Beile

21 Jan 1905 Female ca. 1887 New York Patricia

Kessler, Moische

21 Jan 1905 Male ca. 1887 New York Patricia

Kosak, Feige

5 Dec 1906 Female ca. 1884 New York Albano

Leszczynski, Moszek

1 Sep 1906 Male ca. 1890 New York Graf Waldersee

Levy, Abram

26 Jun 1892 Male ca. 1876 New York Dania

Levy, Lene

26 Jun 1892 Female ca. 1878 New York Dania

Lewin, Hinde

27 Jun 1906 Female ca. 1885 New York Barcelona

Lewin, Hinde

27 Jun 1906 Female ca. 1885 New York Barcelona

Lewitzki, Jankel

2 Aug 1906 Male ca. 1882 New York Kaiserin Auguste Victoria

Liger, Ossip

25 Nov 1911 Male ca. 1872 New York Kaiserin Auguste Victoria

Liszynski, David

27 Mar 1898 Male ca. 1876 New York Pretoria

Lukasch, Hinde

17 May 1913 Female ca. 1894 New York President Grant

Lukasch, Scheina

17 May 1913 Female ca. 1895 New York President Grant

Malaszewski, Leon

14 Apr 1910 Male ca. 1888 New York Amerika

Neumann, Mordche

30 May 1900 Male ca. 1882 La Plata Cap Frio

Nowik, Etel

8 Sep 1906 Female ca. 1876 New York Hamburg

Nowik, Gute

8 Sep 1906 Female ca. 1897 New York Hamburg

Nowik, Izrok

13 Sep 1906 Male ca. 1888 New York Amerika

Nowik, Mere

8 Sep 1906 Female ca. 1899 New York Hamburg

Nowik, Nome

13 Sep 1906 Male ca. 1888 New York Amerika

Polosowska, Eisik

5 Mar 1904 Male ca. 1880 New York Blücher

Sapir, Mendel

1 May 1900 Male ca. 1880 London Ophelia

Sapir, Pesche

7 Sep 1895 Female ca. 1870 Montreal Canadia

Sapir, Schleime

7 Sep 1895 Male ca. 1871 Montreal Canadia

Schafsit, Moses

18 May 1890 Male ca. 1863 New York Rhaetia

Sklar, Rochel

6 Feb 1907 Male ca. 1890 New York Prinz Sigismund

Slotnitzki, Schleime

14 Jul 1906 Male ca. 1890 New York Pretoria

Walerstein, Meier

30 Dec 1905 Male ca. 1889 New York Batavia

Wojciechowski, Josef

25 May 1911 Male ca. 1879 New York Amerika

Zebanski, Abram

6 Sep 1902 Male ca. 1874 Grimsby Staveley

Zebanski, Motte

6 Sep 1902 Male ca. 1886 Grimsby Staveley

Zelicki, Schimon

22 Feb 1902 Male ca. 1877 London Silvia
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